Darpan, originally named Syed Ishrat Abbas, was born in 1928 in Uttar Pradesh, India, into a family deeply connected with...
Hassan Ahmed is a versatile Pakistani actor and model known for his acclaimed performances in television dramas and contributions to...
Shaheed Fazil Rahoo was born in Rahuki village, Badin district, Sindh in 1934. He was a Pakistani political leader and...
Zeba Bakhtiar was born on November 5, 1971, in Quetta, Pakistan, to a notable family with a rich and diverse...
Balakh Sher Mazari, born on July 8, 1928, in Kot Karam Khan, was a prominent Pakistani politician and chieftain of...
Syed Imtiaz Ali Taj (1900–1970) was a distinguished Pakistani dramatist, writer, and cultural promoter who left an indelible mark on...